Ordinary people telling extraordinary stories. Storytelling played such a vital role in Irish culture, and is responsible for preserving and passing down the history, mythology, folklore, and genealogies of Ireland through generations. Seanchoíche is a night for people from all corners, backgrounds, and identities to come together and listen and engage with stories told by volunteer speakers. For some people, it’s their first time ever speaking in front of a crowd and although it might seem daunting at first, Seanchoíche is a safe space, it’s an event filled with empathy, laughter, tears and joy. If you would like to tell a story, please apply through the Seanchoíche website:
'Empathy is remembering that everybody has a story. Multiple stories.' - Kae Tempest
Around 60% of the people who speak at SEANCHOÍCHE have never done something like this before. We believe that everybody has a story to tell. Interested in telling yours?
Fill in your details to get to know you a bit better. Share a quick summary of what you would like to talk about. It doesn’t have to be very detailed. Just simply tell us whether it’s an anecdote, a piece you have written, a poem, or any other type of story. Then feel free to add any further details you would like to share, and Seanchoíche will be in touch. Follow the link below: