Title: Nature Boy: a journey of birdsong & belonging. with Seán Ronayne
Biography:Seán Ronayne is a Cork-born ornithologist, wildlife sound-recordist, author, and environmental activist who has spent a life immersed in nature. Following a childhood spent exploring the fields and woods of his hometown, Seán went on to study Zoology at University College Cork (UCC), as well as a Master’s in Marine Biology, also at UCC.
After graduating, he worked at a seabird sanctuary in the UK, and then returned to Ireland to enrol in a Master’s in Ecological Impact Assessment, specialising in ornithology. He secured his first professional ornithology job in 2017, and in 2018 he moved to Barcelona with his partner Alba, a Catalan native, where he began recording birds and wildlife in earnest.
Upon returning to Ireland in 2021, he embarked on a mission to document the vocalisations of every Irish bird species, a daunting task revealing the precarious state of Irish ecology. With 63% of its birds at risk of extinction and minimal native woodland, Seán utilises his recordings and narratives to advocate for nature's preservation, sharing the beauty and urgency of Irish biodiversity. He has now just three species left to record, out of almost 200, and has amassed a collection of over 12,000 recordings of Irish birds and other wildlife.
In spring 2024, Birdsong, a documentary about Seán’s recording project, was released to great acclaim. Birdsong is directed by Kathleen Harris and produced by Ross Whitaker and Aideen O’Sullivan for True Films. Seán has also made appearances on several shows, including The Tommy Tiernan Show, The Blindboy Podcast, and A Note for Nature. He is currently working on a number of media projects. He released two digital albums of long-form Irish wildlife recordings on BandCamp in 2024; Wild Silence, and Hope, reaching the best-selling charts for a number of weeks.
His first book Nature Boy, won Irish Biography of the Year (2024), and was also shortlisted for overall Irish Book of the Year (2024). He is currently writing his second book. Seán lives near Cobh, County Cork, with Alba, their daughter Laia, and their dog Toby.
@irishwildlifesounds (Instagram)
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